When Did Jesus Know?
I've got Vacation Bible School (VBS) on my mind all this week. As I've prepared to teach about twenty 6th graders, I've come to answer this question for the first…
I've got Vacation Bible School (VBS) on my mind all this week. As I've prepared to teach about twenty 6th graders, I've come to answer this question for the first…
Staying refreshed. Yes, that's my goal these days. I have felt such oppression of late to the point that I believe Satan is working overtime on me. Perhaps you've heard…
A little diversion this week. I've been thinking about friendships through the years. My family moved often with my dad's job, so I had to learn to make new friends…
Searching His Word, Seeking His Heart I hope you have enjoyed this study on the 23rd Psalm. As we conclude, we see the loving shepherd bringing in the sheep at…
Searching His Word, Seeking His Heart We continue with thoughts from the 23rd Psalm. (Restore My Soul) Just like David the shepherd, our good shepherd leads us in the right…
Searching His Word Seeking His Heart (David, the Shepherd) did for the sheep what they couldn't do for themselves. Having the luxury to lie down in green…
Searching His Word Seeking His Heart As promised, we will explore the 23rd Psalm. It need not be read strictly at funerals, though that is appropriate, it…
Do you have those days when you are bone tired? You feel exhausted. The to-do list just keeps getting longer. In retrospect, I look back on my life and it…
We left the disciples listening to Jesus as he told them to Go Out Two by Two with a Hefty Task. Wouldn't you love to follow along with one of…
Last week we thought about the huge task Jesus gave his disciples to Go out Two by Two. They were to carry the message from Jesus, about Jesus—"The kingdom of…