Gentle Communication
Recently, I sat at a group table among many other table groups. Our goal—to discuss a certain matter and share opinions and ideas. I had rather strong opinions about the…
Recently, I sat at a group table among many other table groups. Our goal—to discuss a certain matter and share opinions and ideas. I had rather strong opinions about the…
I've had sowing seeds on my mind since the blog two week's ago when Jesus talked of sowing and reaping. (4 - A Teachable Moment.) I ran into an old…
On the way to our subdivision, trees line the road and, in many places, form an arch over you—lush and green in the summer. But in winter, the dark, bare limbs…
Tucked between Jesus' discussion with the woman of Samaria (2 - The Woman at the Well) and her witness to the townspeople (3 - She Spreads the Word!), Jesus senses…
Didomi (Dee-doh'-mee), our main character this time, has had quite a conversation with Jesus at the well. (See 1 - We're Going Where? and 2 - Woman at the Well) It…
Last week, we began the story of the "woman at the well." (1 - We're Going Where?) Let's give her the name Didomi (dee-doh-mee) We left her bragging about her…
Let's visit just one more unnamed woman in the Bible. Her location will probably spark your memory of her and her story. Jesus and the disciples had been to the…
So what do we learn from the four-part story we've had of the unnamed woman caught in the act of adultery? I named her Aphiema (forgiven) and gave an enhancement…
Now we know that the unnamed woman this month, the woman caught in the act of adultery. I named her Aphiema (Ah-fee-mah) and gave a possible enhancement of the story.…
Our ongoing character, Mark, has been spurned and now conceives a plan to trap Apheima. (See "Gone Astray - Part 1" and "A Trap Envisioned - Part 2") He shares…