"Unlikely Believers" Book Three
Eyes to See
How could a tax collector become a disciple of Jesus? In first century, Galilee, tax collectors faced the wrath of their fellow Jews. These despised men got filthy rich and sold their souls to the Romans in the process. How could such a good Jewish boy fall into such a trap?
Scripture gives us nothing about Matthew’s early life other than he was known as Levi, son of Alphaeus.
The author develops a possible story that leads Matthew (Levi) from one advancement to another and one pitfall to another until he eventually becomes a tax collector along the trade route through Capernaum.
The location of his tax booth gives him the opportunity to hear Jesus’ teachings and causes him to face his sinful condition, ready to repent when Jesus says those simple words, “Follow me.”
Later, Matthew plans a dinner at his house for his friends and Jesus, hoping they, too, will come to believe. Unfortunately, Pharisees come by and spoil it all by questioning why Jesus “eats with sinners.”
Will Matthew have to overcome the tag “tax collector” even with his fellow disciples?
Follow Matthew as he learns from Jesus’ teachings and miracles, his experiences with the other disciples, and a maturity that provides him with new “eyes to see.”

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Romans 6:23
. . . go and make disciples of all nations . . . And surely, I am with always to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

Readers' Comments
Steve H.
“The story is very easy to read. I enjoyed it so much that I gave it to a friend.”
Carol B.
“An excellent read. It got me hooked very quickly! By intertwining the historical context with the biblical accounts, it gave me a deeper and richer viewpoint in which to see the Scriptures.”
Jason C.