Order in our Lives
Alert! This blog layout is probably going to make more sense if you view it on your computer rather than your iPhone. If I should bake a cake from scratch…
Alert! This blog layout is probably going to make more sense if you view it on your computer rather than your iPhone. If I should bake a cake from scratch…
I spent a whole blog last week describing the plight of the Israelites in their constant dismal confrontations with the Philistines. The Israelites worked out of the home base town…
Last week, we pondered the hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing." That second verse has a word that is not very well known—other than singing it in this hymn. …
Reading Rusty's writing last week reminded me of the many hymns of our faith with powerful texts. If you haven't sung many of these in a while, it might be…
Speaking of heart-warming moments (last two blogs), I invited Dr. Rusty Hoffman as guest writer this week. He shares memorable moments shortly before his father-in-law's death. Rev. Gerald McNeely served…
Have you ever been studying a passage of Scripture and then you come across it again in a sermon or a song or another study? It's like the Lord is…
Last week, we looked at this powerful statement of faith by the two on the road to Emmaus. I asked, "When has your heart burned because of the Holy Spirit's…
What? Are we still on Easter? I thought that was last Sunday. No, friends, the reality of the resurrection stays with us—always. I could choose from many resurrection scenes: Mary Magdalene…
We settled into the Garden of Gethsemane as Jesus walked further in to pray. I felt somewhat relieved that we were outside the city wall of Jerusalem, away from the…
What a delight to see the happy faces of the people as they waved their palms and shouted their praises while Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem. But here and…