Strength from the Pasture
Do you have those days when you are bone tired? You feel exhausted. The to-do list just keeps getting longer. In retrospect, I look back on my life and it…
Do you have those days when you are bone tired? You feel exhausted. The to-do list just keeps getting longer. In retrospect, I look back on my life and it…
Last week we thought about the huge task Jesus gave his disciples to Go out Two by Two. They were to carry the message from Jesus, about Jesus—"The kingdom of…
Have you ever thought about how the twelve disciples might have reacted when Jesus said he was sending them out two by two? Evidently Jesus decided the time had come…
Let's visit just one more unnamed woman in the Bible. Her location will probably spark your memory of her and her story. Jesus and the disciples had been to the…
Do you ever feel worn to a frazzle? Coming and going with way too much activity. Or responsibilities reaching mountainous heights? I think back to when I was younger. I…
This month, let's explore lessons from lesser-known women in the Bible. Today's star lived in the latter years of Egyptian slavery. She and her husband had a son named Aaron.…
We think of a counselor as a good thing. Indeed, a competent counselor, especially one with a Christ-filled heart, is a transforming helper. The people walking in darkness have seen…
Thank you, dear friends, for your many words of encouragement, care, and prayer. (See Hospital) So much has happened that I haven't been able to respond to all your comments,…
Last week, we saw that Jesus had mixed emotions. He was burdened with the news of John the Baptist's death. At the same time, he rejoiced with the disciples who…
We've looked at "points of view" coming from the four gospel writers on several happenings in the life of Jesus. When we looked at the feeding of the 5,000, you…