Seeking His Heart
Last week we thought about the huge task Jesus gave his disciples to Go out Two by Two. They were to carry the message from Jesus, about Jesus—”The kingdom of heaven is near.”
Jesus empowered them to heal just as he had. They were to take virtually nothing with them. In other words, depend on the Lord to guide.
If we could look into their minds, I wonder what they were thinking. Maybe (selfishly or practically) they wondered, but where do we stay? What do we eat? Perhaps that’s why he said,
Whatever town or village you enter, search for some worthy person there and stay at his house until you leave… If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. Matthew 10:11, 14
He’s telling them, the Lord will provide. But if there is no receptivity, move on to the next town.
They are warned,
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16
This will not be a picnic. It could be dangerous. Evidently they are going to places where the word had not been planted. (It brings to mind trying to preach at liberal college campuses.) Shrewd, but innocent, a hefty task.
Once again, we see how these followers are going to have to learn dependence on the Lord to have wisdom and discernment. It means leaning rather than worrying. It means putting concerns at the feet of the Master instead of trying to bundle them up in your arms dragging them around with that heavy load.
We all have our heavy loads at times. Huffing and puffing under the weight of it. Worrying about it when we go to bed. Thinking about it again when we wake up. Lugging it around through the day.
On a personal note, we have decided to move my 95 year-old mother to different memory facility. I have to confess that I’m still carrying that load of worry. Will she adjust? Will the helpers treat her with love and respect? Did we make the right decision?
I must follow Paul’s advice to—
…be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is… Romans 12:2
It is a struggle to pray for wisdom and discernment, follow through, then test and approve his will. Hefty tasks indeed.
~ Joyce ~
Oh how I needed this! With caring for aging parents and preparing to make difficult decisions being met with anger, your lesson reminded me to pray harder and let it go. God will prevail!
Oh, Suzanne, honoring our parents and doing what’s best for them is always a challenge. I’ll join you in prayer for making wise decisions and being loving at the same time.
Praying for your mom and family, Joyce.
Thanks, Diana.
I am trying discern God’s will right now and learning to wait on His confirmation. Thanks for the reminder to pray for wisdom and discernment!
Yes, Jeris, discernment requires continual prayer and yes, the waiting, the patience is the hard part. One step at a time.