![Searching His Word Seeking His Heart](http://www.joycecordell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/lscapes-jerusalem-1920x1080-wallpaper-2195777-300x93.jpg)
Seeking His Heart
Jesus had told us that He must go on to Jerusalem. I didn’t feel too comfortable with that because He had also told us of the persecution that awaited Him there.
Soon we found ourselves heading that way along the east side of the Jordan. We traveled through some of the ten cities of the Decapolis. Amazingly, even in this pagan territory many people came seeking Jesus. He taught;He healed. The demoniac Jesus had healed months before must have heeded Jesus’ command to go and tell what things Jesus had done for him.
When we arrived in Jericho, I recognized the voice of blind Bartimaeus. When I lived there for a time, Bartimaeus constantly begged for money, but this time, he shouted,
“Son of David, have mercy on me!” Mark 10:47
When Jesus healed him, he was a new man and began praising God. The people joined in with his praise.
I picked up my pace to walk beside Jesus to advise him about Zacchaeus. Jesus just smiled at me as though he already knew about the tax collector. Of course he did, just as he knew my heart. Little did I realize that the little rich man waited for us in a tree. What a glorious day in Jericho! Things were going so right.
Then we received the word about Lazarus. So sick. Why did Jesus delay? This man was His good friend. Finally, a couple of days later, we did go to Bethany to see Lazarus and Mary and Martha, his sisters. Too late—Lazarus died and had been in the tomb for four days, but Jesus commanded them,
“Take away the stone.” John 11:39
I’ll never forget the strength of Jesus voice as he shouted,
“Lazarus, come out!” John 11:43
A unison gasp came from the onlookers when Lazarus appeared at the mouth of the tomb. Some lifted their hands in the air muttering words of praise. Others fell on their knees in humble submission. Many believed that day. Our hearts were made glad.
But as I looked on through the crowd, one group of men frowned. Another group whispered disgruntled words to each other. Spies from the religious leaders, I surmised.
We retreated to a village called Ephraim until it was time for Passover. One of Lazarus’ servants came to report that the people eagerly awaited Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. Before the servant left, I talked to him privately. “And what of the religious leaders?”
…they have given orders that if anyone found out where Jesus was, he should report it so they might arrest him. John 11:57
This was worrisome. My mind quickly went back to His warning that the authorities would beat Him and kill Him.
A few days later, the time had come. A donkey was provided and we followed as Jesus rode into the city. What happened next was totally unexpected. The people lined the pathway—singing, shouting, praising God, spreading out their cloaks before Him, and waving branches of peace.
Perhaps their praise of Him will win over the Pharisees, Sadducees, and teachers of the law, I thought.
~ Joyce ~
Thanks, Joyce…appreciate your ministry.
Thank you, Aileen.