![Searching His Word Seeking His Heart](http://www.joycecordell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/lscapes-jerusalem-1920x1080-wallpaper-2195777-300x93.jpg)
Seeking His Heart
I remember a question that was often asked in a Bible Study in which I participated. The question—”What attribute of God do you see in these verses?” Frequently, my answer was “faithfulness.”
Just as faithfulness characterizes God, He wants to develop that same character trait in us. The Greek word for faithfulness means steadfastness, trustworthiness, and stable. Those three words translate easily in our minds when we think of the faithfulness of a spouse. We desire a stable, trustworthy relationship.
We may also think of faithfulness in a friend—steady and true. Likewise, the Spirit provides the fruit of faithfulness to us as believers.
Jesus told a parable to teach the principle of faithfulness. He talked of a man who gave talents of money to his servants. One received five, another two, and the other, one. The first two servants were faithful in using and developing what was given to them, but the third man did not develop his gift. He was not faithful, but fearful and unproductive. To the other two, Jesus said:
“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.” Matthew 25:21
As we carefully and obediently follow His will in the small things, He can entrust us with expanded responsibilities that lead to even greater fulfillment.
Exciting as that can be, we may find ourselves at times becoming weary in well doing. Paul reminds us:
Let us not be weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
Yet, faithfulness is more than just keeping on keeping on. It is, as with the other fruit of the Spirit, a matter of abiding in the vine, dwelling in Him, drawing strength from Him.
What does “abiding faithfully” look like in your life? How do you stay fresh for the task week by week? What practical plans do you set in motion that prompt you to be faithful to Him?
You know how I have been talking so much off and on about staying connected to the vine? I looked at the Bible Study lesson I am scheduled to teach this Sunday. Would you believe? It is from John 15—“I am the vine, you are the branches.” I’m sure Jesus smiled at me just as I smiled when I saw the topic.
Finally, be encouraged with a look at John’s vision of Christ in Revelation.
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. Revelation 19:11
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Amazing! I finished this blog Wednesday afternoon. When I went to choir tonight, our Minister of Music started the rehearsal by singing “Great is Thy faithfulness.” (smile)
~ Joyce ~