


We have thought about the disciplines of PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY. Now, as we contemplate giving thanks in this season, we slip very naturally into another discipline of the faith—GENEROSITY. To have a giving attitude, we can think of giving thanks to God and generously giving to others.

Generosity brings to mind being generous with our money. In the church, we talk of the tithe, a tenth of our income. We’re encouraged to give even more if we’re able. Maybe give to special projects and needs.

If you’re like me you have groups and agencies constantly sending you pleas in the mail to contribute to this research center or that ministry group, and every politician under the sun (even ones you’ve never heard of from another state.) “Be generous,” they plead. So we think it through. Which groups? Church, community, medical research, missions, groups feeding the hungry? We pray, “Lord, help me know how to best be generous with the money you have provided.”

Of course being generous also entails giving our time to others. We balance giving quality time to our family members, ministries at church or in the community as well as friends. I teach Sunday morning Bible study, sing in the choir, and help with other church activities. You have your set of ways you give of your time. Maybe you’re in the mode of raising children or helping with grandchildren. Are you doing it with a generous heart? Maybe you are in the years of working outside the home. Do you give kindness and time to fellow workers? What about your spouse?

These things have a lot of “do” circling around them and that is good. But keep in mind that to have strength in the doing, it is most affective if we have purity in the being. How is your attitude? This often shows up most in our homes—a tolerant attitude versus a critical spirit: a gentle tone versus a belittling comment, a patient listening ear even when you’ve had a tiring day. These are ways we can be generous.

May you find encouragement in this Thanksgiving season as you do many acts of kindness and be thankful and generous in spirit.

As Paul said to the church at Corinth, “Just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and love—see to it that you also excel in the grace of giving. II Corinthians 8:7

Happy Thanksgivng!

~ Joyce~ 

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