Seeking His Heart
I had planned to move on with David, but God has done so many things in this past couple of weeks, I feel I must share His amazing movements in our lives.
About a month ago, the only remaining activity I could do with my mother was to push her in her wheelchair out in the garden area. We looked at the trees, the fountain, the flowers, and occasional birds that would flit by. About half way around I would stop, sit down and talk a bit or sing a hymn or two.
One day, when she hardly said more than two words, I sang “In the Garden.” When I started into the chorus, she mouthed the words, “walks with me, talks with me.” How precious to me. It was one of the hymns she had been playing in May on the piano. Thank you, Lord.
Each week she grew less responsive. A week ago Monday, I could hardly get her awake in her wheelchair. Her head just hung down. We walked in the garden and she gave only minimum response. The workers noticed her energy was diminishing.
On Tuesday, we learned of the death of my husband’s oldest brother and made hasty plans to travel to Atlanta.
Our son and daughter were able to go as well. It had been a long time since we were back to just the four of us. We were able to begin planning Mother’s memorial service if she should pass soon. God’s perfect timing.
Do you see how He was providing and weaving His way among us? On the way back home, the nurse called to report Mother couldn’t sit up.
You know about our last moments from last week’s blog. I truly believe she was waiting for me. Within fifteen minutes of being with her, she passed. Thank you, Lord for intervening and giving me those last moments to wipe one tear from her eye.
As we made plans for the funeral, everything fell into place. When I looked through her Bible to find favorite Scripture verses, I discovered a note from a former class member who talked about how helpful her teaching had been.
Remembering all the fruitful, happy years of her life helped diminish the months of fretting, the weeks of heartbreak. Thank you, Lord.
The day of the funeral, the minister mentioned that he would use a few verses at the burial site. I hadn’t specified but was thinking about Psalm 23 since I had been blogging verse by verse several weeks ago and had read some of those to Mother. But I hated to say it at the last minute to upset what he had prepared. Wouldn’t you know? He read the 23rd Psalm!
All the way to the end, I saw the hand of God moving and ministering to us.
Though I’m prone to being emotional, I actually did pretty good through all of this. Then this morning (Sunday) in our church service, the pianist and flute player played the most beautiful arrangement of “In the Garden.” Can you believe they chose this old hymn on this particular day? But, as I listened to the beautiful music, the Lord gave me one last remembrance of our time in the garden and a reminder of how “He walks with me and He talks with me” weaving His spirit through my life.
May you watch for Him at work in your life as well.
~Joyce ~
Very well written, Joyce. Thank you for sharing.
Hey Ernie. Thank you for reading.
Thank you, Diana. He’s always near. Sometimes He knocks us over with His presence. Other times we we have to be watching and waiting.
What a moving memorial Joyce! Just very poignant and beautiful. Thank you!
Thank you, Anne. She had a full 96 years.
How very precious.💖
Thanks, Bonnie. You remember her in the younger years, full of life!
I absolutely love how God makes Himself known in such beautiful ways! Thanks you for sharing Joyce. We love you.
Love you too, Becky.
Thank you, Joyce for sharing this lovely thought. I pray that you will be comforted in your grief. Wasn’t God good to give you these last few precious memories!
Yes, Linda, God comforts in many ways, reminding us to trust Him for the next thing.