Seeking His Heart
We caught a glimpse of Joshua last week and actions God used to prepare this young man for greater challenges ahead. (See Joshua – Preparation) Battles in the desert were few, however, the Amalekites came to fight and Joshua was called on to protect his people.
We also learned that Joshua joined eleven other spies to have a peek at the Promised Land to check it out. This trip whet his appetite. Joshua and Caleb were ready to take the land with the assurance of God’s help, but the other ten spies vetoed the idea, so they ended up wandering in the wilderness for 40 more years.
During that time, Joshua became Moses’ right hand man. He watched Moses deal with the people, but more than that, he witnessed Moses’ devotion to God.
When other leaders were told they could come to the foot of Mt. Sinai and no farther, Moses told Joshua to come on up the mountain with him.
What was that like to be so deeply in the presence of Almighty God? What sounds did he hear? What smells? What sights? What was the feel of the air? How were Joshua’s emotions affected by the deep presence of God? It gives the true meaning to the word “awesome.” (A word we have horribly trivialized.)
What did the people feel, even at a distance,?
When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled in fear. Exodus 2018
After Moses came down from the mountain with Joshua, the people said,
“Speak to us yourself, Moses, and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.” Exodus 20:19
I have felt my spirit warmed enough by His Spirit that I dedicated myself to a task He ask of me. I have sensed God working in circumstances in my life, but Joshua’s experience with Moses and with God gives new meaning to having a “mountain top” experience.
Even in the tent of meeting, God spoke to Moses with Joshua close by. (Exodus 33:11) I believe these moments in God’s presence provided the greatest preparation Joshua could ever have.
And so it is with us. Our experiences may not be as dramatic as Joshua’s, but the Lord can warm our hearts, give divine direction, and fill us with courage beyond ourselves if we will just walk to the mountain and seek His holy presence.
Are you young? Wondering what work path to follow? The right person to marry? God offers guidance.
Are you knee deep in marriage, dealing with your children, juggling it all with work issues? God can help you sort it out.
Have you lost your spouse? Are you losing your youthful health, wondering about next steps? He’s still there to lead you and bring fulfillment.
Come to the mountain. Drink deeply from the rich source of His presence. Cry out to Him; He’s ready to infuse your life.
~ Joyce ~
Great message, Joyce-for all ages.–Thank you
Thank you, Linda. Yes, we all need time in his presence.