Seeking His Heart
We’re told that Jesus’ mother, Mary, is going to a friend’s wedding in Cana. It must be a very close friend or relative, because Jesus and his present disciples are also invited.
Remember from last week (“Peter – Name Change”) that we know of at least five or six who are following Jesus at this time. I find it a bit amusing to picture Simon Peter, the burly fisherman, with fish-smell washed off his body, dressed in his best and off to a wedding.
Jesus and his crew arrive when the party has been going for a while and the wine is running out. No sweet tea or Coke’s to offer, so Mary is in a tizzy. She greets Jesus and his friends with, “They have no more wine.” And ushers them to the preparation area.
Jesus picks up on the insinuation that she wants him to do something about it, but Jesus says,
Dear woman, why do you involve me? My time has not yet come. John 2:4
Mary tells the servants to do whatever Jesus tells them. In other words, she’s still banking on Him to fix the problem. Do I hear Jesus sigh just a bit? Perhaps He decides that He can do this quietly and not bring undue attention to Himself. Six large water jars are standing nearby, and Jesus instructs the servants—
“Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” John 2:7-8
This is one of those many occasions in Scripture when it seems like things happen zip-zip and they’re done, but keep in mind that each of these jars holds 20 to 30 gallons of water! If it’s “to the brim” then that’s likely 6 jars times 30 gallons. I don’t know how big their buckets are, but it looks to me like many trips to the well to bring in 180 gallons of water.
Eventually, the master of the banquet does a taste test and declares it spectacular! He says,
“Everyone brings out the choice wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” John 2:10
So Jesus first miraculous “sign,” as John likes to say, is given only to the servants and also to the disciples. The result?
… He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him. John 2:11
Perhaps you made a decision to invite Jesus in your life at an early age or perhaps when you were older. Was there a time later that you sensed something more than at that initial time? A time when Christ revealed Himself in a special way to you? A time when you were tested and “put your faith in Him?”
I’m sure the disciples (Peter in particular) had much to say in these sessions with Jesus as they got to know Him and gradually discovered more of His message and power and mission, but we still do not hear Simon Peter’s voice.
However, next week Jesus enters Peter’s personal world—they go fishing.
~ Joyce ~