Seeking His Heart
For the next four weeks, we will consider the path to salvation.
Is it hard for you to share that message with people? Do you feel bum-fumbled with what to say? Perhaps these thoughts will give you a concrete plan. You’ll need your Bible, paper, and a pen.
Let’s envision two mountains. Draw two on your paper something like this picture.
Write the word “Me” on top of the short mountain and “God” on top of the tall one.
Inside of all of us is a need for God, a vacuum only He can fill. But how do we get to God? We can’t jump to the other mountain; it’s too far. We can’t climb up the mountain; it’s too steep. Besides there’s a great valley in between.
This valley is filled with mire and muck and we can’t get through it. It contains pride, hatred, selfishness, lying, adultery, murder, cheating, gossip, and a whole slew of other unrighteous acts. Actually, it’s anything that separates us from God. Label it “Valley of Sin.”
We certainly can’t claim righteousness or know the glory of God with all this mess. No matter who we are, we’re not worthy to enter God’s Holy presence. Find Romans 3:23. Underline the verse and put a star by it in your Bible.
…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
All means Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, your pastor, Billy Graham, Miley Cyrus (or some celebrity your friend would know), you and me—all have sinned. We may not have committed murder, but we have likely been self-centered or prideful and certainly not holy.
We all fall short of entering the glorious presence of our holy God.
Still, we cannot know eternal peace without Him. No matter if we have the notoriety of Bill Gates, the prestige of Abe, the honor of Mr. Graham, the lavish clothes and houses of Miley, or the comforts of our own routines and friends, nothing can totally satisfy the deep longings of our hearts like the one who created us.
Read the verse again. None of us is worthy.
Then what are we to do? Stay tuned next week for part two.
~ Joyce ~