Seeking His Heart
Last week, we began a process of how we might share the gospel with a non-believer. (Salvation 1 – Who Is Worthy?) We established that we all sin and this sinful nature separates us from God.
You drew a figure something like this—
In your Bible, you underlined Romans 3:23 and put a star beside the verse.
Turn to this passage again, and go to the bottom of of the page and write “Romans 6:23.” When you turn to that verse, underline it and put a star beside it.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23
We don’t use the word “wages” much anymore, but we understand that it means something like a salary. You do work, you get paid. It is something you earn. We think of it as a good thing.
But we can also “earn” something negative. You commit a crime; you earn punishment. You fail to turn in your homework; you earn a bad grade.
In this case, the Bible tells us that what you earn from sin is death. Eventually, we’re all going to die physically, but the death in this verse refers to spiritual death, a hefty penalty, because it is an eternal death.
Oh, but there is good news! God has a gift for us. A gift is something you have not earned. It is given out of love. The gift comes through Jesus Christ who wants to be Lord of our lives. The gift is not eternal death, but eternal life.
Under your “two-mountain” drawing, you might want to draw a $10 bill with the word “death” above it and a gift box with “life” above it.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.
So what did Jesus do to give this gift?
Next week—The Price He paid.
~ Joyce ~