Seeking His Heart
We have been following young David the shepherd boy for a while with songs (or psalms) that he may have first composed on the hillside. Great things are ahead for David, but before we get to that, let’s take a look at what else was going on in Israel at the time.
Samuel was the people’s adviser and spiritual leader, serving as the last judge of Israel. He had seen them through many battles with neighboring towns and particularly with the Philistines, but now, the people wanted, no, they demanded to have a king!
Samuel’s heart was broken. He felt rejection, but the Lord said to him,
… it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. I Samuel 8:7
Samuel told the people of God’s warning of the fallacies of kingship, but they cried all the more to have a king. They wanted to be “like other nations” who had kings. Here they had God Himself as their king. Their hearts were not in the right place.
At times in our lives, we may continuously reject God’s leadership even though He strives with us. At some point, He may give us over to our selfish desires until we learn lessons from our actions.
God relented and told Samuel,
“Listen to them and give them a king.” I Samuel 8:22
Who would it be? Well, there was…
…Saul, an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites—a head taller than any of the others. I Samuel 9:2
Saul got the job! For a while things went okay. In fact, Samuel told Saul that a procession of prophets were coming.
“The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. I Samuel 10:6
Saul led the men in battles to protect his people as well as others. He ended up reigning for forty-two years, but little by little, we discover that though Saul may have been a head taller than the others, his heart was not as big as his head. Maybe another way of saying he was big-headed!
In one incident after another, Saul failed to follow the leadership of Samuel the prophet, and thus failed to follow the commands of God.
Eventually, Samuel told Saul,
“You have acted foolishly. You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you. Now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart. I Samuel 13:13-14
How sad when the Lord blesses someone richly, but they take matters into their own hands instead of seeking the Lord’s will in their lives. Samuel constantly warned the people that they must turn to the Lord, but they were busy pattering after Saul who sought after his own will.
The Lord was ready to lead Samuel to anoint another person.
Next week, quite a surprise for our young shepherd boy!
~ Joyce ~