Seeking His Heart
We left David in the lurch last week. We will continue his exciting story next week, but let’s pause for observance of this wonderful day of Thanksgiving.
I’m so grateful that our country, in spite of its woes, does still observe and acknowledge the need for giving thanks. And to whom do we give that thanks? I suppose the secular view is we give thanks to one another, with which we can all agree, but more important is our thanks to God.
The more our minds center on giving thanks, the more our minds center on the gift-giver.
A few years ago, I read a little book by Ann Voskamp called “One Thousand Gifts.” She challenged readers to write each day just one thing for which they were thankful. The idea was to come up with 1000 thank you’s.
I bought this cute little book and did well for a few months, but somewhere along the way it was left on the shelf unattended. A year of so later, I picked it back up again and have been faithful with it most days. I’m up to 410 thank you’s.
I keep my book right beside whatever devotional book I’m using at the time. I read a little in the devotional book, then end my time writing a two-to-five-word thank you. It is amazing to me how easy the thank you idea comes each time. You would think you would run out!
Sometimes it concerns something that is going on in my life, a lesson I’m learning, a person, an inspiration from my devotional book or Scripture I’ve been studying.
Here’s a few examples of things for which I am thankful:
knees that work without pain, the first snow, my published book, sunshine, a reliable car, my Savior – the true vine, family Thanksgiving meals, text messages from grand-kids, God’s reminders to trust Him, specific talents of my family members, God’s interventions, daffodils in Spring, fun with friends, morning hugs, alone time with God.
Well, you get the idea, just anything the Lord brings to mind. It takes less than 30 seconds but keeps that idea of being thankful front and center.
What a perfect time to begin this little habit.
And a perfect time for me to tell you how thankful I am for you as you read this blog week by week. It helps to keep me on task in writing. May you have a blessed time with your family today or whatever way you celebrate giving thanks.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 106:1
~ Joyce ~
I like the idea of one thing at a time. I will do it! Hope you have a great Christmas.
Glad something spoke to you in the blog. Thanks for commenting. Merry Christmas to you, Pat.