Ah, yes, Thanksgiving is around the corner, reaffirming our need for giving thanks. Have you thought lately how that was one of the first lessons your parents taught you? “Be sure to tell Mrs. Smith thanks for the present.” “Say thank you.” “What do you say to Grandma?” “When you give your present to your teacher, thank her for teaching you this year.” “Be sure to thank the Johnson’s for the sleep-over.” Mama reminding you over and over to have a thankful attitude.
But why! Why do we need to say thank you over and over in our lives?
Psalm 100 is “A psalm for giving thanks” or so says the heading in my Bible. This psalm reminds us to “Shout for joy to the Lord. Worship the Lord with gladness. Know that the Lord is God. Enter his gates with thanksgiving.” Shout, worship, know, enter—all very active verbs as we give our thanks. Think how that changes our hearts when we come into his presence. I believe that is at the “heart” of giving thanks. It gives us thankful hearts.
Just think what you’re like when you feel moody or angry or listful or jealous. Those things don’t produce grateful hearts. Paul wrote to the Colossians (3:15-16) encouraging them to let the peace of God rule in their hearts and be grateful. He challenged them to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in their hearts to God. It’s all about the attitude, right? The attitude of the heart.
One of the most helpful things I’ve done for myself in the last several years is to keep writing regularly in my little Thanksging Book. It is about 4 inches wide and 8 inches long with a bright hard cover. I write the month and year on one line and continuing numbers on each line for the ongoing days. I write about 2-6 words a day on each line. For instance: Being thankfkul “for God’s peace”, “for time to be with (a grandchild’s name)”, “for helping with my SS lesson”, “for His abiding comfort”, “that God knows and loves me”, “for Jim’s improvement over Covid”, “for our SS class”, “for happy birthdays”, “for my loving Shepherd”, “time in His word”, “that He lifts me up”, “the beautiful wedding”, “for sunny days”. Well, you get the idea.
Initually, I aimed for “1ooo days” after reading Ann VosKamp’s of that title. After I accomplished that, I left it for a while, but then I missed it. I’m on my next round and up to 314 today. This is a companion book to my devotional book. I write in it either before or sometimes after I read my devotion. It takes all of 30 seconds, but it makes me pause to think, “What am I grateful for today?” I heartily urge you to consider this little discipline.
I figure we need all the self-help we can get to have more greatful hearts. Thoughts for your happy Thanksgiving!
~ Joyce ~
I love this! Thank you, Joyce❤️
Thank you Doris for reading and for your kind comment. Hope all is well in Somerset.
Thank you, Joyce, for the reminder to be grateful daily.
Thank YOU for being a faithdul reader! Enjoyed having you in our class Sunday. Always great to see your smiling faces.