Seeking His Heart
Do you ever feel worn to a frazzle? Coming and going with way too much activity. Or responsibilities reaching mountainous heights?
I think back to when I was younger. I would grab my little girl by the hand and hoist my eighteen-month old on my hip and out the door we’d go to some activity at church.
I taught the youth on Sunday night and directed the children’s choir on Wednesday night, while supporting my Minister of Music husband in a myriad of other activities. Of course, there’s groceries, meals, cleaning, and the list goes on.
Maybe you’re into raising older children, working outside the home, plus community, church and home responsibilities.
Or you may be where I am now—old! Dealing with health issues for myself and for an aging mother and still, after all these years, trying to reduce added activities—all worthy—but asking, Lord, what’s the ones YOU want me to do?
Maybe you’re caring for a loved one and having caregiver fatigue.
This week, our unnamed woman, is probably a young. I’m guessing 24-ish. She’s likely single and definitely suffering from the fatigue of caring for her own physical needs. Her disease causes non-stop bleeding.
One week a month is do-able, but ongoing for years is quite another thing. Even worse is the fact that she would be considered religiously unclean. According to the Mosaic law, others could not lie on a bed where she has been or sit where she sat or touch anything she has touched. She is unclean. Almost like a leper!
She’s spent what money she has on seeing many doctors through the years, but instead of improving, she’s getting worse.
Without a name, we call her “the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment.” Let’s name her Martha. Martha means lady. This woman was more “lady” than she wanted to be.
…[she] had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. Mark 5:25
Therefore, no one wanted to be around her. It seems she’s been abandoned by her own family. Perhaps the only reason she can manage to move through this crowd is because they don’t know her.
She’s obviously heard of Jesus and the miraculous way he has healed many people. “Martha” figures…
“If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Mark 5:28
Jesus can heal us in many ways. It may not be a bleeding disease, but if we suffer from fatigue of any kind, we can seek our Lord’s healing power. We must pursue Him with diligence as Martha did. Reaching out, seeking His will, touching His presence. May it be so for us all.
Next week—the results.
~ Joyce ~
How many of us seek after the Lord this closely? And healing for my lack of energy and strength I definitely need! Thanks for this great post on reaching out to Jesus!
Yes, Jeris, “worn out” can describe a lot of us at different times in our lives. He is our strength!