Seeking His Heart
Last week in My Testimony About Writing, I shared about God’s call to write. I struggled trying to discern what the Lord wanted me to write. Of course, He rarely works on our time table, so I waited, watched, and listened.
That year, I attended a Bible study about the book of Matthew. I found myself noticing the lesser-known characters, the ones with only one or two verses. Often, their names weren’t even given, but they were important enough to mention. I wondered what might be the rest of their stories. What was their background? How did they relate to Jesus?
As I continued through Matthew, I was struck by the phrase,
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 11:15
Later, when Jesus told the parable of the sower and the seed, he said again,
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 13:9
I began meditating on that phrase, thinking about it every time it came around. Jesus warned that, because of the people’s unbelief, their hearts had become calloused. The leaders did not put into practice the truths they had studied.
“Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.” Matthew 13:15
Jesus described the religious leader’s faith by quoting what Isaiah said.
“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.” Matthew 15:8-9
They had ears, but they didn’t hear.
In my pilgrimage of what to write, the Lord had impressed on me the lesser-known characters. He brought my attention to have ears to hear what he has to say. So, when I came to the two-verse story of the servant of the high priest having his ear cut off in the Garden of Gethsemane, it was like, this is it! This is who I am to write about.
I discovered from the other gospel writers that his name was Malchus and that Jesus healed his ear. It wasn’t much to go on, but I researched and wrote, trying to envision what might be the rest of Malchus’ story.
I was still working at the time so all too often the story got pushed to the back burner. Over and over I doubted. Who was I to think I could conquer such a task as writing a book? That’s when I first came across the quote I have on my desk. “The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.”
The Lord provided a wonderful person to help me edit. Eventually, I acquired a publisher, then a capable person to help me make a video, take an author picture, and direct me to claim my website name.
It took seven years, but at last “Ears to Hear” became a reality.
Next week, I’d like to share one more leg of the journey with you plus a challenge.
~ Joyce ~
Thank you for sharing how God led you to become a writer. Our Christian life is truly a progressive journey. Just as He led the Israelites from Egypt to Cannan over the course of 40 years, He led them step by step building and developing their faith while loving them all the time. He taught them how their disobedience grieved Him and the consequences of their sin.Israel was to be a uniquely chosen people deigned to be a nation of priests and an example of God’s righteousness to the world. We, too, are priests before God. Our sin sacrifice has been paid, and God is calling us to obedience and holiness. As we trust Him to lead us day by day, God will show us the path we should trod, the people to whom we should minister, and His commands we should obey to receive His blessings.
Whew, Joyce! I just finished reading a large section from Deuteronomy and began to “expound.” 🙂
Thanks, Martha. A progressive journey indeed. We’re called to share the story he gives to our lives. Expound on, sister!
I often rush to fulfill my desires instead of waiting on GOd. I am so grateful that you are listening to His voice. “BE still and know that I am God”. He will continue to use you as you seek Him. I am so proud to call you my sister.
Thanks, Harry. Yes. rushing ahead of God always leads us into trouble. Proud to have a brother that I never had.