Walking Through the Word

Exploring the rest of the story.

Welcome to our walk. In the next months, we will explore what might be the rest of the story for various Bible characters as we “Seek the Word and Search His Heart.”

We won’t drive through or even cycle through; we will walk through the Scriptures pausing to look not just at the main characters, but also the characters with bit parts. We’ll ask questions, like, “What is your back story? What have you suffered? What brought you into this moment?”

We may see ourselves as we shuffle along––see our pride, our impatience, our victories, or our pain. Let’s decide now to see with new eyes, to catch unheard words, to feel the angst or the mounting anticipation of these characters who were real people, not just fictional characters in a fairytale.

We will take a look at many people including Jesus himself. In fact, let’s start with the early ministry of Jesus in Mark 1:21.

21 They [Jesus and his first few disciples] went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went to the synagogue and began to teach. – Mark 1:22

The synagogues in Jesus’ day were used for worship and Torah readings, but mainly for teaching. Synagogue leaders often invited guest teachers to participate in the services. Teaching was Jesus’ specialty. But He was not just your run-of-the-mill teacher.

22 The people were amazed at his teaching. – Mark 1:22

Oh, don’t you wish people would say that about you?  “He’s an amazing preacher.” “She’s an amazing Sunday School teacher.” “What amazing parents. Look how they find teaching opportunities in every day things.”

What captivated the people so? Was it his parables, his stories, his illustrations? Indeed, he often used appropriate illustrations that they would understand––fishing stories by the seashore, shepherd illustrations on the hillside, and farming parables in small towns. Perhaps he used one of these stories in his lesson that day.

As he taught, no doubt He demonstrated the fruit of the Spirit––love, joy, peace, kindness, etc. All these attributes would have been endearing, but why were they amazed at his teaching?

because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. – Mark 1:22b

Next week, we’ll explore one who was in the synagogue that day.

~Joyce ~

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