Thank you, dear friends, for your many words of encouragement, care, and prayer. (See Hospital) So much has happened that I haven't been able to respond to all your comments,…
Thank you, dear friends, for your many words of encouragement, care, and prayer. (See Hospital) So much has happened that I haven't been able to respond to all your comments,…
Last week, we saw that Jesus had mixed emotions. He was burdened with the news of John the Baptist's death. At the same time, he rejoiced with the disciples who…
We've looked at "points of view" coming from the four gospel writers on several happenings in the life of Jesus. When we looked at the feeding of the 5,000, you…
Nehemiah rallied the wall-building troops with persuasive voice and authoritative demeanor. They divided up the work load and rebuilt side by side, neighbor next to neighbor. Even some from near-by…
God has given Nehemiah a concern for his Jerusalem homeland. He feels called to do something about the crumbling wall around the city. During four months of prayer, God led him…
It's time to get practical about our praying. Do you know what it is to turn everything over to the Lord? Allow Him to have the lead? Relinquish the control…
...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles... Hebrew 12:1 Nothing delights our enemy, Satan, more than entangling us. Sometimes he does this through devastating…
Searching His Word Seeking His Heart In last week's blog Peter rose to the top of the list with his comment. (See "Peter - Time to Shine") This week we see…
A personal narrative this week. This Saturday will mark fifty years of marriage for my husband and me. I always thought that just happened to old people! But here we…
I spent a whole blog last week describing the plight of the Israelites in their constant dismal confrontations with the Philistines. The Israelites worked out of the home base town…