“Didn’t My Heart Burn Within Me?”

Searching His Word   Seeking His Heart
Searching His Word
Seeking His Heart

Last week, we looked at this powerful statement of faith by the two on the road to Emmaus. I asked, “When has your heart burned because of the Holy Spirit’s work within you ?”

I promised this week to share some of my life experiences.

1) One summer night,  after my freshman year of college, I knelt beside my bed to pray. The more I prayed, the more I felt the Spirit’s convicting power. At the same time, I understood His mercy to forgive.

Simple phrases I had heard (and said) all my life, suddenly took on fresh meaning. “God loves me” became personally my statement, not my parents’ or my Sunday School teacher’s, but mine. I felt such a presence of the Holy Spirit that it seemed there was a glow of light in the room.

For some time, I wondered if this had been my salvation experience. I later decided that my eight year-old profession of faith was simple but genuine and that this experience was one of many big steps forward.

2) When Jim and I were serving at a church in music and youth ministry, we had a quiet, talented youth who seemed to have had his own spiritual epiphany. He gave challenges to the youth group and I saw through him the transforming power of the Spirit to produce amazing growth with the whole group. In many moments, our hearts burned within us.

3) We had entered a time of trial with our son. At one point, he had left home. We went to a baseball game where he was scheduled to play, but he didn’t show up. I distinctly remember standing under a tree, disheartened and worried. At that moment, it was as though God blew a verse right into my mind.

…but those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

The key word was “wait” and there would be a lot of waiting before we could soar, but the verse warmed my heart. The following Sunday, that verse was on the front of our church bulletin. “Thank you, Lord,” I whispered. Didn’t my heart burn within me at His consistent presence!

4) In these later years, the Lord began dealing with me about writing. One day as I drove down the road, the license plate in front of me said, “Write!” I tried to figure out what form that would take.

Then, when I attended a conference, the small group leader talked about continuing to seek the Lord’s will in our lives. One of her examples was of a friend who ended up writing books. At that moment, a warm sensation began in my legs and moved up through my body. It was as though the Lord took a branding iron and seared the word “Write!” across my heart. I thought immediately of the quote, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us?”

I would love to hear or even share your experience.

~ Joyce ~

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Karen

    Thank you for inspired writing! I certainly enjoy reading your blogs.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thank you, Karen. It’s good to hear from readers.

  2. Barbara Cordell

    I have been blessed by your writings…please do not stop…I look forward to the next one.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thank you, Barb. It means a lot to hear from readers.

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