
I love back pictures like this; simple, natural, telling a story. To me, this story says, This is our time together, bonding. Indeed, walks like this can feel like contentment, like doing life together. They are treasured moments. They say, you are my child and I love you.

Storing up memorable times like these is important because at some point, Daddy or Mommy will need to have discipling moments as well, and it would be best to start early. Our children must learn from discipline to be healthy, safe, caring, and wise.

You know the adage, “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” I never liked that verse because I picture using a thick metal rod to beat a child. Instead, let’s picture a shepherd. His staff was also used as a rod to tap the sheep on the side to guide them into the fold so they wouldn’t stray or get lost. In the same way, a parent uses methods (which may include a spanking) to guide and train their children to find their way in life. As Proverbs 13:24 reminds us, “. . . he who loves his child is careful to discipline him.”

At the same time,  Paul warns parents, “. . . do not embitter your children or they will become discouraged.” Colossians 3:21

Unfortunately, some children are left with a missing parent or a neglectful parent, or no parent at all in our sad world. What a struggle for these dear ones.

Being disciplined follows us into the teen and adult years where we must grow to discipline ourselves—self-disciplne we call it—learning not only to correct ourselves from bad behaviors, but to descipline ourselves toward positive goals.

There comes a time when we likely have to bend to the Lord’s discipline. Like a child, we’re going down a wrong trail.

When the Lord corrects you, pay close attention and take it as a warning,

for the Lord corrects those he loves, as a father corrects a son of whom he is proud. Proverbs 3:11-12 (Good News Bible)

We have our grown-up misbehaviors, just as teens or young children have theirs. How easy it is to slip into being critical or impatient, lazy, carrying a grudge, judging, manipulating, or envying. Sins of the spirit. How easy these can move into gossiping, defaming another, lying.

Just as an earthly father corrects, our heavenly Father does as well.  Both Old Testament Proverbs 3:11-12 and New Testament Hebrews 12:5-6 remind us to “pay attention when the Lord corrects you. and do not be discouraged when he rebukes you, because the Lord corrcts everyone he loves, like a father corrects his son (or daughter!)

Whether you are being disciplined by God or doing some self-discipling, it’s a good thing, right? Think on these things.

~ Joyce ~



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