


Last time I left you in a bit of a lurch as we considered the question – “Time for Change?” I guess this has come about, in part, because my May birthday ushered me into a new decade.

After much time, seeking out the Lord’s direction, I have decided that, even though I had the idea for one more book, it is not meant to be. I have enjoyed the world of writing and enjoyed trying to hone that skill, but to go through seven more years of writing, editing, publishing, and marketing is not to be. I feel the Lord is saying, “There’s another stage for your life now.”

I can rest from writing books and marketing. I can set aside going to writer’s conferences. I can delete daily ideas and concepts of writing I receive on my iPhone.

However! I do sense that these blogs I write every other week is something the Lord wants me to continue. I started blogging nine years ago in May. For the first seven years, I wrote a blog every week. Now, every other week. I enjoy these though I often wonder, “What do I write this time?” Yet somehow the Lord puts thoughts in my mind to share.

So, what does God have next for me? That’s why I titled this blog “Seeking” and that’s why I posted the picture of the little dog looking to the heavens, wondering, What comes next? We come to times in our lives when, as they say, the Lord closes one door and opens another.

One idea He has placed in my head is to write my life stories to share with my children and grandchildren. I asked each of my parents to do this and I treasure their remembrances of childhood and into later years. Perhaps, after I write mine, I could have a few sessions with others who would like guidance in writing their own life stories.

I know, I know, I’m back to writing, but this would be different writing – no marketing!

Perhaps you have come to some kind of crossroads throughout your life or maybe you are in that place now. I turn to one of my life verses.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

I’m praying to trust him rather than leaning on self. It is a constant reminder to acknowledge him with the assurance that he will direct my paths in these later years.

Maybe you’re in a good place right now. Hurray, move forward! Or maybe you’re dragging your feet and need a fresh outlook. Or perhaps, like me (at whatever age you are in life) you sense the Lord has a new direction for you and you’re searching.

Like our doggie friend in the picture, let’s look up giving thanks to our great God who will direct our paths as we trust and acknowledge him.

~ Joyce ~


This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thank you, Diana. Every year they ask me to be a deacon. I’ve always said no. Im considering it. That’s something you could join me in praying about.

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