It’s Spring!









The time for bundling up in a winter coat and scarf and gloves has finally come to an end (we hope!) The daffodils have opened their yellow faces to the sun. The forsythia has waved its arms to the heavens and pear trees have bourn their  fluffy white flowers to welcome in SPRING.

As we watch the summer leaves sprout in early-bearing trees, it sends us further into this bright season of rebirth. Let it send us into a mode of renewal as well. Wash your windows, super clean your kitchens, plant some pansies, go through your summer clothes as you get them out and decide what needs to go to Good Will or wherever you donate. There’s a reason we call it “spring cleaning!”

And what about your spiritual life? Take a walk or a run, or for me, a ride on my big three-wheeler cycle. Breathe in God’s beautiful world. Talk to him as you go. Then listen. Focus. Let the outside inspire you, not distract you. See the neighbor walking her dog. Smile and wave. Think of how God takes care of you like the neighbor dutifully takes care of her dog. Or think from the dog’s perspective—loving its care giver as we love our heavenly care giver.

As you walk, notice the trees and flowers blooming. Think how the Lord has nourished you through the dead of winter and wants to refresh you in this season of your life. How will He make you not only come alive but bear the fruit of a fresh spirit?

You notice a dead branch ready to be cut off. What do you need to leave behind? An attitude that has crippled you and pulled you down? Whack it off. Ask the Lord to rid you of those negative thoughts that can produce negative actions. Determine to see that dead branch in your life and cut it down.

Praise the Lord for his goodness to you as you gaze up at the sky. Become aware of the vastness of his creation. Notice the beauty and detail. Feel his presence in a fresh new way. Ask him to make all your sensors turn on; hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting, and touching. Ask him to light up your mind to think his thoughts and put reason in what he wants you to do. Is there a new direction he is going to take you on this walk?

What a wonderful time you will have in his presence. Delight in him and hear him say:

“Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight.” Matthew 12:18

Happy Spring!

~ Joyce ~

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