Fruit of the Spirit – Gentleness

Have you ever agreed with someone in theory, but their attitude was so negative you had trouble listening to them? That may be because they lacked our next fruit—gentleness.

Once again, we see that what’s on the inside directly affects what comes out in public view. It’s one thing to be bold, but when we’re brashly opinionated, it will spew out with venomous fervor.

A few years ago, I participated in a nine-month Bible study. I loved the in-depth format and variety of insights from our group discussions. Only one time did I have strong disagreement with the teaching material.

After that lesson, we had a fellowship time at a member’s house. Well do I remember walking up the driveway. I had been thinking and stewing over this teaching and now I had both barrels loaded to plead my case. (Yes, sweet little Joyce.)

As I walked, I thought about my attitude. Previously during those few weeks, I had been focusing, one at a time on the fruit of the Spirit. In that moment, the Lord reminded me of the Spirit of gentleness. “It’s time, Joyce. Your next focus needs to be on ‘gentleness.'”

I still felt firm disagreement with the teaching, but I managed to give my explanations in an entirely different manner than I would have one minute earlier. Attitude is everything.

I’m having a most difficult time with politics these days. Aren’t we all? Our senses have been dulled by this unmannerly game so many are playing. It seems, in that arena, that name calling, inaccuracies, and slanderous accusations seem to flow freely from all parties, and we’re expected to accept it because, after all, it’s just politics.

Who do you believe? How do you know where the truth lies?

Or think of social issues. We may have strong opinions, but sometimes those with whom we agree are so obnoxious in the way they defend their opinions, we just want to hide or say, “Please don’t think I’m like them!”

Bringing it closer to home, think of those moments when you were so irritated with someone at work or with one of your children or your spouse, and you displayed your emotion in an explosive manner. It probably accomplished very little.

A gentle word—firm, but gentle, usually accomplishes much more.

From the proverbs:

A gentle answer turns away wrath. Proverbs 15:1

From Paul to the Philippians:

Let your gentleness be evident to all. Philippians 4:5

From Paul to Timothy—Paul said our actions should:

. . . not be violent, but gentle, not quarrelsome. I Timothy 3:3

I think of Jesus being gentle with those he healed and those who had a hard time understanding. May we move into our days like our Master, with a gentle spirit, respectful and firm, but gentle. I would love to hear how that fruit comes to life in you this week.

Please scroll all the way down to ask a question or write your comment. Also, please let me know if you saw the two pictures on the blog and if you view the blogs on your phone, laptop, or PC. Thanks!

~ Joyce ~



This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Deborah Locke

    Joyce, I’m not seeing pictures, and I’m using an Apple iPad.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      So sorry, Debbie, thanks for letting me know.

  2. Julie Howlett

    Great encouragement today! Unfortunately, I was missing pictures. I view on my phone.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thanks, Julie, for letting me know again. So far 6 yes and 7 no’s. Two no’s said they were using their phones.

  3. Linda Rodgers

    Very thought provoking.
    Still no pictures.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Linda, thanks for letting me know again. It might be because it’s on the phone, although I see them on my phone. 6 yeses and 7 no’s so far. It’s a puzzle!

  4. Roxanne Nanney

    Hey Joyce!! Yes, I saw the pictures and usually read through my email on my computer!

  5. Glenda H Logan

    I see the two photos. I’m reading from a PC.

  6. Susan Wilhelm

    Viewed on phone, no images – just blank frames.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Bummer! So far 6 yes and 7 no. One other “no” said she uses the phone. ???

  7. Stephanie Garling

    A good reminder! And no, saw no pictures.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      So sorry, Stephanie. Thanks for letting me know. Do you use your phone to read? Thanks for letting me know.

  8. Ana

    Thank you, well said words about the “delivery”. Yes, saw both pictures!

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Great! Thanks, Anna, for letting me know.

  9. Karen Murphy

    Hi Joyce,
    It is good to be reminded of our need for gentleness when dealing with others, courtesy even when we disagree with someone, and an attitude of kindness as much as possible. It is my habit of looking directly at a person who is serving me in any way. By speaking kindly I want the person to know they are appreciated and are seen as a person, not just a server.

    I receive your blog posts on my i-pad and have no trouble with getting the included pictures. Your blog posts are always insightful and enjoyable.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thanks for letting me know, Karen, and for your further thoughts. A couple of the “no’s” said they use their phones. Had 6 “yes’ and 7 “no” so far. It’s a puzzle!

  10. Ann Leigh

    Joyce, I have not seen pictures for several weeks. I use my IPAD.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thanks, Ann, for letting me know. So far, 7 say yes and 9 say no. Some “no’s” use iPhones. I thought maybe that was the problem, but evidently not. Technology!!

  11. Beth Moody

    On my phone-and no pictures. 💜

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thanks, Beth. So far 7 say “yes” and 9 say “no.” Some of the “no’s” use iPhones so I thought that might be the problem, but then one said no and she uses an iPad. Technology!!

  12. Beth Ryan

    Hi Joyce. This is a much needed message. I resonate so closely with what you wrote. I read your messages on my iPhone and saw both pictures. Blessings to you

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thanks, Beth, for your report and kind words. So far 7 say yes and 9 say no. Some of the “no’s” use an iPhone so I thought that was the problem, but it’s not for you. Woe is me with technology!!

  13. Debbie

    A wonderful piece, but no pictures.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thanks, Debbie, for letting me know. I’m hoping today’s blog on self-control has solved the problem. I tried something new. Let me know.

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