It Must Be Spring!


I sprouted my leaves one summer day, small ones they were in the month of May.

I watched the oak tree, big and strong bearing a million leaves all summer long.

 Knock-out roses bore red bloom. “Where is my color?” I sat and fumed.

Zeniahs, Marigolds, Petunias, too, all stood out with colorful hue.


The summer wore on with this colorful scene, but all I had to show was my same old green.

Fall came along, the oak leaves turned red. My leaves just shriveled and fell off, quite dead.

Winter time came with the cold and the snow. The ice was so heavy, we bent our heads low.

Finally temperatures warmed my cold heart. I lifted my head; “I’ll make a new start.”


The oak still stands strong, but a bare-looking fellow. Oh, look at me, I’m blooming all yellow!

“Of course you are,” said the oak. “Don’t be so ‘pithia.’ It’s your season now, for you’re a Forsythia!”

Joyce Cordell – 2015


I couldn’t resist interrupting a final blog about Peter to insert this happy spring time poem. I just love Forsythia. Their joyful arms wave about this time of year to herald in the spring. And they’re blooming this week. I used to drive with my grandchildren and point out all the Forsythia along the way. I pronounced the word over and over until they could say it. Then they would begin to spy the colorful bushes. “There’s a Forsythia!” they would shout.

It amazes me how each tree and bush has its season to shine. Most of the time we hardly notice a Burning Bush or a Red Bud Tree, but when their turn comes, they shine with their reds and purples. Kind of like people. We go along doing our regular tasks, but every once in awhile, God uses our gifts in a special way that show our deep colors. You have a beautiful red or pink, or purple or yellow that is ready to come out in your season.

When I see the dark, stark branches of winter trees, I’m reminded that though they look quite dead, life is within them. God has shown us before that spring will come.  In a similar way, no matter how dead, dark, and dismal our lives may seem, He places life and hope deep within us. He always offers us hope.

I’m so grateful that God created our world with color. He didn’t have to, but it’s part of His nature to create and to create beautifully. As you travel along today, take in all the beauty and the shades of color around you. Soak in His presence through His creation.

As the trees and bushes put on their leaves of green, and rejuvenate and grow, may we too determine to grow deeper in Him, the source of our life, our strength, our hope. Happy spring!

~ Joyce ~

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Connie

    I was afraid I was going to miss spring being here in Slovakia, but the forsythia are beautiful here, as well.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thanks for letting us know, Connie. How exciting to be so far away and have this connection today.

  2. Janet Ross

    Joyce, I love this poetic and encouraging commentary on spring! The seasons of plants have always reminded me of God’s intent for us, to be full of hope and life in Him even when our lives seem dark and barren. Thank you for saying it so well! Janet

    1. Joyce Cordell

      Thanks for your comment, Janet. I think we’re on the same page!

  3. Bonita Johnson

    Joyce – the yellow of the Forsythis bush is my favorite herald that Spring is here. Loved your poem!!!

    1. Joyce Cordell

      I’m waiting for my two bushes to come to full bloom. They’re just such a cheerful blast of color, aren’t they? Thanks for sharing, Bonita.

  4. Karen Murphy

    Last spring Ron and I didn’t get back in time to see the forsythia, jonquils, bradford pear trees and flowering crabapple tree in our yard bloom out in glorious color. Our son told us how beautiful the crabapple tree was, but that wasn’t the same as seeing with our own eyes. This year we are watching as all God’s handiwork once again announces, “Spring is here.” We are indeed blessed to see how magnificently He has provided for our enjoyment. May we never take God’s blessings for granted.

    1. Joyce Cordell

      It just picks us up and rejuvenates us, doesn’t it? Thanks for sharing, Karen.

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