Seeking His Heart
Now, for one last interruption.
One day, Jesus took the disciples for a boat ride. They all settled in and Jesus even fell asleep. The wind began picking up speed as the waves splashed against the boat. The men struggled with the wind and the waves as long as they could then shouted for Jesus to help them. The Son of God stood, rebuked the elements, and commanded them to “Be still!”
Can you imagine their relief? But then, Jesus rebuked them. He said,
“Why are you so afraid ? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” Mark 4:40-41
Bad as the storm was, they were overwhelmed by Jesus’ power.
By this point they have heard lots of teaching and parables from their master; they have even seen miracles of healing. But this touched them personally, their own bodies, and they lived the miracle themselves.
He would bring radical changes in their thinking. Man-made rules on the outside is different from a nurturing spirit within. They must learn to be humble not proud. They must become servants, not expect to be served. Jesus will not only be a servant, but he will suffer, be tortured and crucified.
If they think controlling the wind and waves is powerful, they will discover that rising from the dead will come later. Jesus will not be a political king, he will be their redeemer.
This motley troupe of working Galileans will have their lives interrupted, their minds overwhelmed, and their paths directed far from home. They will be empowered by the Holy Spirit and will carry the message to many lands. Most will be martyred.
This may not be God’s plan nor expectation for us, but He does have ways of interrupting our lives as well. Interruptions are not necessarily bad as we have seen in these lessons. Often our life interruptions bring positive results, maybe growing, painful happenings, but potentially steps forward.
I pray I will remember my words when the storms come and interrupt by pleasant boat ride. I pray I will not hear him say, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Even as I write this, I think of my moaning and groaning over the dread of the big bad word—marketing.
He gave me the vision for these three books I’ve written and he has seen me through so many steps, so many times of doubting. Surely I can trust him to sustain me through this part again. Can you tell? I’m preaching to myself. Oh dear, the tears are coming.
May we all see his interruptions as opportunities.
~ Joyce ~
Thanks Joyce for being “real.”
Thank you, Martha, I try. Thanks for reading.