Chapter 15 – Saying Goodbye

The next morning, Zebina awoke before Seth and Joash. She wandered out to the garden and, with a wisp of sadness, she admired her healthy bounty of vegetables.

How many baskets will it take to carry all this food to the new land? She turned toward their home and stared at the sickle leaning against the side of the house along with other farming tools, as well as her own broom propped up beside the door.

Then, over there by the wheat field stood Omar, their ox, lazily munching on the wheat stalks. Will Seth want to harvest before they leave? So much to think about and do.

Zebina walked back to the house and sat on a stool outside the door. She gazed at the morning sun as it began slipping into view. Help me, oh Lord God, just to manage it all. She sat for a time enjoying the warmth of the sun and the spirit of her prayer. Then she thought, my two men will be up soon. It’s best that I be ready to prepare our morning meal.

The moment she entered the house, she looked around at all the other things that must be packed—bedding, blankets, dishes, cooking utensils, clothes, and on and on. About that time Seth and Joash began to rouse and would be ready to eat.

After their meal, the two workers headed out to the field. Zebina thought of the next hard task, saying goodbye to her friends and—Mary. She gathered up her water pots and headed to the well, hoping to see her long-time friend. She could hold the news no longer. As she came around the bend, there was Mary.

Mary’s eyes sparkled. “Zebina, I’ve missed you. Where have you been?” Zebina unloaded her water pitchers. Mary noticed Zebina’s drooped shoulders and drawn face, “What is it Zebina? What has happened?”

The tears flowed without stopping. Mary hugged her friend. “There, there, let it all out.”

When Zebina had unloaded her flood of tears, she took a deep breath and unloaded her story. Mary continued to listen and console. “Of course, you are sad to leave the life you know here and the fiends who are dear to you. I will feel loss myself in losing our day-to-day times together, but I’ve learned that the Lord walks with us in such times. You and Seth and Joash will find new friends and discover your place in the community.

Mary put her arm around Zebina’s shoulder as they sat by the well and said, “Let’s pray together that the Lord will be your strength and your guide.”

Mary’s words and the power of God’s presence enveloped Zebina in a cloak of warmth and love that comforted and strengthened her. They sat for a few moments in silence.

“This will be a challenging time for Joash as well,” Mary added.

Zebina nodded her head. “He will miss Jesus so much.”

“And Jesus will miss Joash.” Mary paused. “Many changes are ahead of them in the coming years.”

Zebina patted Mary’s loving hand around her shoulder. “Yes, Mary. Thank you for honoring me by sharing your life with me.”

As Zebina walked home with two full pitchers, she remembered anew the impact of Jesus’ birth. Her present issues paled in comparison.

~ Joyce ~

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