Chapter 16 – Weeping With Mary

Joash came running, tears streaming down his face. “Mama, Mama!”

Zebina dropped her broom. “What is it?” she asked, grasping both his shoulders.

“I went to talk to Jesus to tell him about our move, and . . . ” Joash’s face grimaced as more tears rolled down his cheeks.”

“What is it, Joash? What has happened?” Zebina squeezed his shoulders harder.

Joash took big gulps of air in an attempt to talk. Finally, he was able to say, “Jesus’ father . . . has died. Joseph is dead.”

“Oh, Joash.” Zebina hugged her son and joined him with tears of shock and sorrow.

When they both were able to speak again, Joash told the story. “Jesus and his brothers were helping Joseph build an addition to a house. Joseph stacked a few more stones up on another layer. When he bent over to get a scoop of mixture to put under the stones, one of the them fell on the back of his head. It was a big one. It knocked him out and killed him.”

Joash could not hold back another round of tears. Zebina held him and joined him. Seth saw them from the field and came running. After Joash told his story again, Seth shared in their despair and held them both.

“We must go to them,” Seth said. Zebina had made bread that morning and had figs and vegetables she could take to the grieving family. She went inside to wrap them in a cloth, then the three made the sad trek to help bear the burden of these dear ones.

When they arrived, other friends had already gathered to share with the family. Zebina immediately saw Mary sitting on a stool between her two daughters. Their eyes met and Mary reached out her hand. Zebina hurried to her side and clasped Mary’s hand. As their tears flowed, Zebina put her arm around Mary in support.

Jesus and his brothers were inside, washing Joseph’s body, preparing it with spices, and wrapping it in linen. Other friends began coming to grieve with Mary, so Zebina stood and whispered in Mary’s ear, “We’re here for you.” Mary closed her eyes and nodded her head. So many came throughout the day, bearing the sadness and loss with Mary.

When the brothers had finished their task, they laid the body in an open coffin of sorts and carried it out of the house. Mary stood and motioned to Zebina to join her and the daughters as they lead the processional out of town. When they arrived at the place of buriel, the bothers lowered the coffin. Jesus stepped foreword and said a few words about the loving father with whom he had labored and quoted Scripture which spoke of the faithfulness of, not only earthly fathers, but also our heavenly Father.

The sons carried their father next to the small cave entrance and layed him to rest inside. They gathered a few large rocks and stacked them in front of the opening to keep out wild animals.

At the end of the day, Zebina reluctantly left her dear friend in the hands of her children so that Mary could get some rest.

In a quiet moment, before Seth and Zebina turned in for the night, Seth said, “This will be a heavy load for Mary to bear. Thankfully, she has her children to help her.” Zebina nodded her head. Seth took her hand. “And I know it is a heavy burden for you as well.” Zebina squeezed his hand and looked up with tearful eyes. “It will be a while, before we move,” he said.  “You’ll have some time to be with Mary.”

“Thank you,” she said. Still holding her hand, they layed down for the night.

~ Joyce ~

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