Joseph – God at Work

Okay, friends, it’s time for a story! Of course, you know I’m all about Bible character stories. This will be like reading a book in the next several weeks, one short chapter a week.

Right away, we will see God at work in the life of one of my favorite characters—Joseph. Here we go! Scene 1:

Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers . . . and he [Joseph] brought a bad report about them [the brothers.] Genesis 37:2

Well, we’re off to a bad start. Tattling on your brothers isn’t a good way to win friends and influence people. Besides that, we have the fact that his father, Jacob, is partial to this special son of Rachael, complete with the multi-colored robe episode.

Added to that, there’s the dream that Joseph generously reports to his brothers. You know, the one about Joseph’s sheaf of grain standing upright while the brothers’ sheaves all bow down to Joseph’s sheath. No brotherly love going on here from the eleven.

Then Joseph shares another dream—this one with father Jacob.

“. . . and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing to me.” Genesis 37:9

Immediately, Jacob sees the meaning.  “Are you trying to tell me that your mother and I and your brothers will be bowing down to you? His father rebukes him, but;

. . . his father kept the matter in mind. Genesis 37:11

This reminds me of Mary, “pondering these things in her heart.” Love those “pondering” moments.

Scene 2: The brothers are off grazing the sheep. Jacob hasn’t seen them for several days and decides to send Joseph to check on them. Talk about sending the sheep into the wolf pack! (Jacob must be getting old and forgetful or just hasn’t a clue.)

Joseph sets off but can’t find the brothers. Here comes God-incident number one. You see, for better or worse, God does have a plan and it includes getting Joseph to his brothers.

When Joseph arrived at Shechem, a man found him wandering around in the fields and asked him, “What are you looking for?”

He replied, “I’m looking for my brothers. Can you tell me where they are grazing their flocks?”

“They have moved on from here,” the man answered. “I heard them say, ‘Let’s go on to Dothan.’ “ Genesis 37:15-17

God’s plan is already set in motion. Here is a man who comes at just the right time to find Joseph wandering around looking for his brothers. Joseph has no idea what lies ahead, but his life will never be the same.

As God works out his will in our lives, it comes one step at a time. He places events, people, or thoughts in our minds, even dreams to bring about his purposes for us. Our part is to be looking.

Next week, the plot thickens! (Dum—de-dum—dum) Don’t miss your weekly chapters.

~ Joyce ~

PS There will be no pictures in the story. We’ll worry about pictures later on.


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