Joseph – The Great Reveal

Joseph has played the suspense game as long as he can. He has seen enough fear and remorse in his brothers that he is ready (at long last) to reveal himself. He commands all the attendants and Egyptians to leave the room. When they are gone, Joseph weeps so loudly, they can hear him outside the room.

Meanwhile, his brothers stand in complete confusion as they watch him. Joseph finally collects himself, leans in, scanning the faces of his brothers and, for the first time, he speaks in their native tongue. Imagine their eyes bulging.

“Come close to me.” When they had done so, he said, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” Genesis 45:4-5

Wouldn’t you love to hear their hushed gasps and see their searching faces as they try to see familiar features of the young Joseph they sold 20 years ago. Talk about surreal!

Perhaps their next emotion is fear. But Joseph assures them that he will not harm them. Instead, he wants them to go back and bring their father and all their family members to live in Egypt. He has arranged with Pharaoh for them to live in the lush land of Goshen, not far away. He assures them again:

“God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.” Genesis 45:7 

Joseph then turns to Benjamin and speaks his name for it is the first time he has seen his own blood brother. He throws his arms around him, weeping.

And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them. Afterward his brothers talked with him.  Genesis 45:15

Oh, what a scene. Oh, what character, to give that kind of forgiveness and to demonstrate such godly wisdom. Could it be time for you to offer the act of forgiveness to someone in your life? Even that one who doesn’t “deserve” it?

We are not privy to any more words from the brothers. We’re just told “afterward his brothers talked with him.” This is another one of those “please tell us more” kind of moments. We are left to relinquish this tender private time to them alone.

Later, Father Jacob is as amazed as the brothers when he is told that Joseph is still alive. The family packs up and heads to Egypt for the happy reunion.

As we take a look back over Joseph’s life, we see the hand of God at every turn, and we see Joseph’s faith in God as well.

Next week, we’ll do a final wrap-up of those two ideas—the hand of God at work and Joseph’s faith.

~ Joyce ~

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